Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here's a song about white lies. I saw it once on one of my favourite shows called "Lie to me". This is the lyric and the link to hear it. It's a bit childhood but funny. ENJOY!


I say I'm 10 when I'm 9 and half.
My Uncle tells a joke and I try to laugh
In gym I fake a headache, when I want to quit
I say I love the sweater that my Grandma knit.

But that’s a white lie
(white lie)
That's the kind you wanna tell
A white lie
(white lie)
So your mom won't have to yell
A white lie
(white lie)
Everybody does it cause it feels alright
and it's more polite
But a lies still a lie,
even when it's white

I pretend I'm asleep when my dad walk's in
I said I ate my chicken, but I just ate the skin
Your face can say your lyin’ and when your mouth says your not
Your pants are on fire, but their not too hot

When it's a white lie
(white lie)
It's the kind you want to tell
A white lie
(white lie)
So your dad won't have to yell
A white lie
(white lie)
Everybody does it, cause it feels alright
and it's more polite
but a lie's still a lie,
even when it's white

While it might be hard, to say what's true,
would you want a white lie told to you?

But that’s a white lie
(white lie)
It's the kind you wanna tell
A white lie
(white lie)
So your mom won't have to yell
A white lie
(white lie)
Everybody does it cause it feels alright
and it's more polite
But a lie’s still a lie,
even when it's white

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Irish Jokes

Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, "I can't help but think, from listening to you, that you're from Ireland." The other guy responds proudly, 'Yes, that I am!"
The first guy says, "So am I! And where about from Ireland might you be?"
"I'm from Dublin, I am."
"Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin?"
"A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town," the second guy says.
"Faith & it's a small world, so did I! And to what school would you have been going?"
"Well now, I went to St. Mary's of course."
The first guy gets really excited, and says, "And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?"
The other guy answers, "Well, now, I graduated in 1964."
"The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar on this very night. Can you believe it, I graduated from St. Mary's in 1964 my own self."
About this time, another guy walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer. The bartender walks over shaking his head and mutters, "It's going to be a long night tonight, the Murphy twins are drunk again."


This is an advert that encourages awareness about Global Warming and it's effects. I think it was really well thought. Hope it'll get you as it did with me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SOLAR POWER: A real alternative for ordinary people

One of the most important disadvantage of the alternative energy sources is that it can not solve the problem of producing energy in big scale with low costs.
May be is time to change our point of view. Why not thinking about alternative energy sources with a different approach, putting the stress in the day to day of the individual human being.
In this podcast from BBC is explained how a plain solar-powered lamp has change the life of a lot of people around the world without pollution. I hope you enjoy it.
Click here to listen or download it:

Note: a "podcast" is a radio program you can download from internet and listen in your computer or mp3.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's your Carbon Footprint?

Nissan has created a special site to help people become more environmentally aware.
Choose Zero™  helps empower kids to reduce carbon emissions in their home, school and community. 
Although the site is meant for American students, I guess we can profit from it as well. 
Click on Choose Zero, browse through the site, and calculate your carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly Commercial?

Seeing its Artic home melting away, a lone polar bear sets out on a long  journey to thank someone who is trying to help.

What do you think of this commercial? Do you believe Nissan is trying to help the environment? How?